Releasing Anger Workshop
Watch this video to understand what Emotional Release Yoga is and what it’s not, and what props you will need for the practice part.
Practice video 1 - Long session
Try this long practice first before attempting the shorter option. Props needed: yoga mat, bolster (can be replaced by cushions)
IMPORTANT: do the writing exercises after doing the practice (see below the video). Healing writing is an important part of the Emotional Release Yoga process.
Healing writing for Practice video 1 (Long session)
Every time that I sit with an emotion, I dig deep to uncover and truly understand what triggers me and why. Oftentimes it results in uncovering underlying and unexpected emotions. This process requires a lot of courage and being brutally honest with yourself.
This deep work results in poems that I write for each emotion and today I encourage you to use my poem structure to work with your emotions.
After you have done the long practice, sit down to write down answers to the following questions:
Define your healthy personal boundaries in relation to the situation.
What line should not be crossed for you to not be angry and feel resentment? You don’t necessarily need to reinstate them now - but what would be a healthy boundary for you in this particular situation. And remember that sometimes triggering situation might be just that - a trigger and the true issue can lie elsewhere.
Write at least a few sentences describing your healthy boundaries in detail.
How would you feel if you reinstated them - write down 10 adjectives (e.g. empowered, strong, happy)Where and how did you give away your power in this situation?
Did you endorse someone to make decisions for you? This can be caused by a limiting belief around your own abilities or a pattern you’ve learned from a significant adult you grew up with. We give away power for various reasons: from fear of responsibility to believing that we can’t make the right decisions ourselves.
Write down a few sentences: exactly how you gave your power away.
During the long practice, we visualised a person who once showed us true empathy and compassion. Who is that person? I invite you to write them a letter.
If they are no longer on this planet - tell them about everything that happened to you since their passing. If they are still around - write them a love letter thanking them for the gift of kindness they gave you. You don’t need (or can in case the person has passed) to give them the letter - but you can read it out loud in front of an open window.
Please let me know how you go with healing writing, I would love to hear from you.
Practice video 2 - Short session
After having done the healing writing exercises for the long practice, you’re welcome to do this session. Like I mentioned in the video, you might have to do this one a few times in order to uncover underlying emotions that hide behind anger and resentment.
Optional prop: meditation cushion. Sit on a chair if needed.
I encourage you to do the healing writing exercise for this session (see below the practice video).
Healing writing for Practice video 2 (Short session)
Now that you have done the Short practice, I invite you to work on the second part of your Anger poem.
As you remember, in this session I asked you a question: how do you benefit from not having unclear boundaries? What do you enable by not reinstating and communicating this?
I know it’s a huge one and more often than not, my clients need a bit of support and help from me on this one. So if you get stuck - please reach out. I am here to help you.
If you are curious to read my Anger poem - send me an email and I will share it with you.
If you imagine a situation where you could reinstate your healthy boundaries and they were accepted and respected - how would this change your life? What would you be able to do and achieve? How could this help you find better balance, calm, and ease?
Part 4. What’s next
Wonder what are the next steps in your Emotional Release Yoga journey - watch this video and look at all the links below it.
What’s next:
Work with me Privately - receive my undivided attention, support, and spiritual mentoring.
Do the Releasing Guilt workshop that is closely connected to Releasing Anger.
Connect with me on Instagram or send me an email. See two icons below.