Effort and detachment

“The opposite of paradox is polarity”, Esther Perel

Imagine you have got a job that you love and care about. You work hard and do your best to perform at your best and always walk the extra mile. Even when you know that you delivered 100%, should the appraisal period come - do you worry about the outcomes and ratings you will get?

Or what if there is a challenging relationship into which you have invested a lot of energy. You have done all you could to keep it going, but now the ball is on the other side. Would you be able to relax waiting for the other person to get back to you? Would you be able to enjoy your life now, while you want for this to work out with all your heart?

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Satya - understanding and refining your truth as a yoga teacher

Ashtanga Yoga, the 8-fold path as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, was the subject of my recent mentoring circle for the Sukha Mukha studio teachers in training.

Mentoring is very dear to my heart as I love inspiring others and supporting new yoga teachers on their path of transmitting yoga knowledge.

So Satya.

Beng the second of Yamas (control/restraints/behaviour conduct), Satya translates as “truthfulness” or being true to your heart.

We all know what truth is and why we are to adhere to it. Simple and very old knowledge.

So what about Satya from a teacher’s perspective?

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