In case of any medical condition seek approval of your doctor to practice yoga.
Modify or stop any exercise that causes discomfort or pain, your safety comes first.
Since I am not there to observe and assist you, please be extra careful and gentle.
Arms up variations
In case of any medical condition seek approval of your doctor to practice yoga.
Modify or stop any exercise that causes discomfort or pain, your safety comes first.
Since I am not there to observe and assist you, please be extra careful and gentle.
Plank variations
In case of any medical condition seek approval of your doctor to practice yoga.
Modify or stop any exercise that causes discomfort or pain, your safety comes first.
Since I am not there to observe and assist you, please be extra careful and gentle.
Upward facing dog variations
In case of any medical condition seek approval of your doctor to practice yoga.
Modify or stop any exercise that causes discomfort or pain, your safety comes first.
Since I am not there to observe and assist you, please be extra careful and gentle.
Uttanasana (standing forward bend) variations
In case of any medical condition seek approval of your doctor to practice yoga.
Modify or stop any exercise that causes discomfort or pain, your safety comes first.
Since I am not there to observe and assist you, please be extra careful and gentle.