Day 3 - meditation on abundance

Abundance is all about expansion and plentitude.

Can you create abundance for yourself and others?
Today’s practice is about letting this beautiful energy into your life.

I used to think that a yogi was supposed to be disinterested in the financial side of teaching.

I struggled with promoting my events and charging my students. Needless to say this attitude caused energy depletion and oftentimes resentment.

What helped me to shift my attitude from a detached yogi to a thriving yoga biz owner, was the teaching on abundance.

How do we create abundance for others having the resources that we have:

- supporting fellow yoga teachers
- supporting local small businesses
- sharing knowledge, connecting people

How do we work with abundance mind blocks that were accumulated throughout our lives or passed down to us by significant adults.

I offer private Emotional Release Yoga sessions where we can dive deeper into mental blocks work for activating the abundance flow.

I am happy to work with you online ($75 per hr + debrief) or in-person ($120 per hr + debrief).

Get in touch to book your session via