E-motions are energy in motion

Hooray to a new beginning - this is my first post for the Emotional Release Yoga subscribers!

A few fun facts about emotions:

  • Emotion is a chemical reaction where we release and exchange chemical compounds between neurons and nerves. So emotions really are a cocktail made of many different ingredients that define what we feel.

  • There are about 100 bln neurons in our brain and I won’t be surprised if scientists discover more!

  • There are about 34K emotions, but most of us are only aware of 2-12 according to this one of my favourite TedTalks on emotions with Alan Watkins.

Emotions are one of the causes of pain, with the other three being muscular-skeletal (e.g. injury), mental, and chemical (e.g. food, environment). Scientists say that on average an emotion plays up for up to 90 seconds - this is how long a chemical reaction in our brain lasts. However, we may suffer from a repetitive thought, anxiety, or anger for days if not weeks on end.

So what interests me in terms of emotions is understanding and releasing our patterns of experiencing and dealing with them. I am done with resorting to distraction-based (perfectionism, obsessions, screens) or numbing (food, pleasure, substances) strategies. Instead, I am keen to become aware, feel, acknowledge, and release whatever bothers me at any given moment.

Emotional Release Yoga has been a journey of about 10 years for me. A journey from highly distracted and numbing perfectionist to an empowered and spiritual human I strongly aspire to evolve into.

I started teaching this modality in my group classes about three years ago and to my astonishment, those classes got quickly packed. This inspired me to work with people privately and ever since then this journey has been unfolding for me.

Disclaimer: ERY is not therapy. I do not in any way pose as a therapist. I am your spiritual companion. Whenever something serious presents itself, I always refer my clients to a specialist. But I am here to help you deal with your day-to-day stuff, understand yourself better, and let go of anything that no longer serves you.

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I do this with the help of yoga and my healing touch. Emotional Release Yoga sessions involve reiki, essential oils, massage, guided visualisations, and healing writing.

This Thursday, February 4th at 8 PM I will be chatting to Kimberly Ashton about Emotional Release Yoga. If you are keen to join us - hop on Instagram and watch a live @qifoodtherapy.

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