Watch this tutorial to understand how to engage the midback in handstands.
Read moreTutorial - flip the dog
Flip downward-facing dog into Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward bow or bridge pose). This is an advanced transition that requires spinal mobility, shoulder, wrist and hip flexors flexibility.
Read moreTutorial - astavakrasana
Astau - eight, vakra - crooked, twisted, curled. This arm balance is a core-strengthening twist that requires hamstring flexibility.
Read moreTutorial - core in back bends
In this video, we talk about the deep front line of anatomy meridians and its role in backbends.
Read moreTutorial - lower body in back bends
In this video, we talk about legs and pelvis and how we need to work them in order to avoid the lower back compression.
Props: 2 blocks (optional)
Read moreTutorial - torso in backbends
In this video, I talk about the theory of backbends, which is followed by a short practice on torso flexibility.
Props: 2 blocks
Read moreTutorial - shoulders and arms in backbends
In this video, I talk about the theory of back bends, which is followed by a short practice on arms and shoulder flexibility.
Props: 2 blocks
Read moreTutorial - hollow back pincha mayurasana (forearm balance)
Pincha Mayurasana - a feather of peacock pose is a forearm balance. Hollow back Pincha is forearm balance with an element of backend added to it. It’s great for opening the chest and shoulders. In this video, we use the props of a wall and a block (which can be replaced by a thick book).
Read moreTutorial - kasyapasana
In this tutorial on kasyapasana we focus on all elements of this challenging side plank: external hip rotation, shoulder mobility and twisting for binding.
Read moreTutorial - mayurasana
Mayurasana - the peacock pose requires upper body and core strength as well as a good sense of balance. We will look at serratus anterior muscle that we have to learn how to engage for this very challenging pose.
Read moreTutorial - padmasana
Padmasana - the ultimate yoga pose we use for seated practice. It requires hip and knee flexion, external hip rotation, and ankle/foot mobility. In this video we work on 4 types of stretching:
- Static
- Dynamic
- PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)
- MFR (myofascial release)
Props: 2 therapy or tennis balls in a pouch/sock.
Read moreTutorial - chinstand
Understand and practice the chinstand. I recommend watching these videos that will help you with this pose: Superficial back line tutorial and Engaging superficial back line tutorial
Read moreTutorial - engaging superficial back line
Even though backbends can feel like a lot of stretching, they also involve a lot of strengthening in the superficial back line. Do this class to understand how to engage through the back of your body.
Read moreTutorial - back bends explained
In this tutorial, we talk about the myofascial meridians that are involved in the practice of back bending. We cover lateral, spiral, superficial front and back lines.
Read moreTutorial - PNF stretch for back bends
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation is my latest favourite way to stretch. We actively engage in forward-bend (not using hands) for 10 seconds, followed by a backbend of 8 seconds. Doing three to four rounds usually delivers the best results.
Read moreTutorial - stepping forward
Learn how to engage your core when stepping forward for lunge or virabhadrasana. Mastering transitions like these makes your practice light and effortless.
Read moreTutorial - vishwamitrasana
Combine the compass pose and side plank in this super challenging pose. For a blooper, head to this IG post - I hope this will make you smile. Watch Compass Pose as well as Side Plank tutorials before you attempt this pose.
Read moreTutorial - side plank
Practice correct alignment and stacking of shoulders, hips and legs in side plank while working at the wall.
Read moreTutorial - compass pose
Compass pose required deep hip flexion, external hip rotation, side body flexibility, and a splash of a twist. Try this fun pose as preparation for Vishwamitrasana (side plank variation).
Read moreTutorial - bakasana to sirsasana transition
Learn how to safely transition from crane pose (bakasana) to tripod headstand (tripod headstand).
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